
Felte offers an easy plugin-like way of reporting your errors by using what we call reporters. Making use of Felte's extensibility, their job is to handle errors for you. The degree to which they do that depends on how each reporter is build. For example they can report your errors using a tooltip, or modifying the DOM itself to add your validation messages. You may use any of the official packages we provide, or you can build your own.

Using a Solid component

The @felte/reporter-solid package will most likely be the preferred option to report errors.

# npm
npm i -S @felte/reporter-solid

# yarn
yarn add @felte/reporter-solid

It exports a reporter function and a ValidationMessage component. Pass the reporter function to the extend option of createForm and add the ValidationMessage component wherever you want your validation messages to be displayed.

The ValidationMessage component needs a for prop set with the name of the input it corresponds to, the child of ValidationMessage is a function that takes the error messages as an argument. This can be either a string, an array of strings, or undefined.

import { reporter, ValidationMessage } from '@felte/reporter-solid';
import { createForm } from '@felte/solid';

export function Form() {
  const { form } = createForm({
      // ...
      extend: reporter, // or [reporter]
      // ...

  return (
    <form use:form>
      <input id="email" type="text" name="email" />
      <ValidationMessage for="email">
        <!-- We assume there will only be a single message -->
        {(messages) => <span>{messages?.[0]}</span>}
      <input type="password" name="password" />
      <ValidationMessage for="password">
        {(messages) => <span>{messages?.[0]}</span>}
      <input type="submit" value="Sign in" />

(Since v1.1.0): To prevent nesting, the ValidationMessage component also accepts an as prop to render ValidationMessage as a component instead of a partial. Every other prop assigned to ValidationMessage except for and level will be forwarded as props.

import { reporter, ValidationMessage } from '@felte/reporter-solid';
import { createForm } from '@felte/solid';
import { Index } from 'solid-js';
import CustomList from './CustomList.jsx';

export function Form() {
  const { form } = createForm({
      // ...
      extend: reporter, // or [reporter]
      // ...

  return (
    <form use:form>
      <input id="email" type="text" name="email" />
      <ValidationMessage for="email" as="ul" aria-live="polite">
        {(messages) => (
          <Index each={messages ?? []}>
            {(message) => <li>{message()}</li>}
      <input type="password" name="password" />
      <ValidationMessage for="password" as={CustomList} aria-live="polite">
        {(messages) => (
          <Index each={messages ?? []}>
            {(message) => <li>{message()}</li>}
      <input type="submit" value="Sign in" />

You may also display warning messages from your warnings store by adding a prop level="warning" to the ValidationMessage component.

<ValidationMessage level="warning" for="email">
  {(messages) => <span>{messages?.[0]}</span>}


You might encounter some issues when using this package with SSR. Without an as prop, ValidationMessage returns a partial which sometimes does not work as expected. In order to guarantee your component will work as expected, you should use ValidationMessage with as assigned to an element or component.

Using Tippy.js

The @felte/reporter-tippy package leverages Tippy.js to report your validation messages. You will also need to install Tippy.js as a separate dependency to use it.

# npm
npm i -S @felte/reporter-tippy tippy.js

# yarn
yarn add @felte/reporter-tippy tippy.js

You may also want to add Tippy's CSS somewhere in your project.

import 'tippy.js/dist/tippy.css';

In order to use it, you'll need to import it in your component and add it to the extend option of createForm.

import reporter from '@felte/reporter-tippy';
import { createForm } from '@felte/solid';

const { form } = createForm({
  // ...
  extend: reporter(),
  // ...

And that's it! Your validation messages will be shown by Tippy without any more work.

For a more complex use case, you can pass options to Tippy when calling the reporter like so:

  tippyProps: {
    /* tippy options */

You can also pass a setContent function that will receive the current validation messages for the field and its path. Here you can modify your validation messages, which can come in useful if you want to display HTML content inside of Tippy. The messages argument will either by an array of strings (it can be more than one message depending on your validation strategy) or undefined. The path argument will be a string with the full path of your field (e.g. email,, etc).

  setContent: (messages, path) => {
    return messages?.map((message) => `<p>${message}</p>`);
  tippyProps: {
    allowHTML: true,

You may also pass options to a specific Tippy instance using the tippyPropsMap property. It expects an object with the same shape as your data:

  tippyPropsMap: {
    account: {
      email: {
        allowHTML: true,
        /* other tippy props */

You may also opt-out of this package reporting your errors for a specific field by adding data-felte-reporter-tippy-ignore to the input:

<input name="email" data-felte-reporter-tippy-ignore />

If you're using a custom control not managed by Felte, you can still make use of @felte/reporter-tippy. For this you can use two data attributes:

The custom control will always be a trigger for tippy, the second argument is useful if you want to trigger Tippy with another element such as a label to mimic this package's default behaviour.

<span id="email-label" data-felte-reporter-tippy-trigger-for="email"

If you need to show your Tippy in a different position, you may use the data-felte-reporter-tippy-position-for attribute. This would be useful if you're using a custom control that does use a valid HTML input behind the scenes but hides it:

<!-- Tippy will be shown on top of this div -->
<div data-felte-reporter-tippy-position-for="email" />
<!-- Not on top of this input -->
<input name="email" type="email" />


This reporter can also display your warning messages. In order to do so you'll need to pass the property level to your reporter with a value of warning.

  level: 'warning',

In order to avoid cluttering your UI it'd be recommended to use Tippy to report errors OR warnings, not both.

Using the DOM

The @felte/reporter-dom is similar to the @felte/reporter-solid package, but it modifies the dom directly for you.

# npm
npm i -S @felte/reporter-dom

# yarn
yarn add @felte/reporter-dom

The default export is a function you can pass options to that describe the behaviour. The current options are:

interface DomReporterOptions {
  listType?: 'ul' | 'ol';
  single?: boolean;

Add it to the extend property of Felte's createForm configuration object.

import reporterDom from '@felte/reporter-dom';

const { form } = createForm({
  // ...
  extend: reporterDom(),
  // ...

In order to show the errors for a field, you'll need to add a container for each of these elements. For example

<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input name="email" aria-describedby="email-validation" />

You can choose individually if you want to show errors as a span or a list with the attributes data-felte-reporter-dom-as-single and data-felte-reporter-dom-as-list respectively.


This reporter can help you display your warning messages as well. If you want this reporter to insert a warning message in a DOM element, you'll want to set the attribute data-felte-reporter-dom-level with the value warning. By default it would display errors.

<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input name="email" aria-describedby="email-validation" />


This reporter will add the error messages inside of your container element.

If the single option is true, then it will add a single message in a span element with the attribute data-felte-reporter-dom-single-message. You can style this with the CSS selector [data-felte-reporter-dom-single-message].

If single is false then it will add a single list (using the element defined in listType) with the attribute data-felte-reporter-dom-list. The list will containe a li element per message, each with the attribute data-felte-reporter-dom-list-message. You can style them using a similar CSS selector as described above.

Using the constraint validation API

The @felte/reporter-cvapi package leverages the browser's constraint validation API to report errors.

# npm
npm i -S @felte/reporter-cvapi

# yarn
yarn add @felte/reporter-cvapi

In order to use it, add it to the extend property of Felte's createForm configuration object.

import { createForm } from '@felte/solid';
import reporter from '@felte/reporter-cvapi';

const { form } = createForm({
  // ...
  extend: reporter,
  // ...

And that's it!

NOTE: This might not be recommended since it might not be friendly for mobile users.