Helper functions

The createForm function also returns some additional helpers that can help with some more complex use cases.


createForm returns setters for each one of our writable stores. Based on how they can be called, there are three different kinds of setters.

Object Setters (setData, setTouched, setErrors and setWarnings)

Setters for stores that contain objects can be called in four different ways:

NOTE: TypeScript users, if using the string path version, must always use dot notation even if referring to arrays. E.g.

Using setData as an example:

// We assume our `data` store to contain: { firstName: '' }

// Sets the property `firstName` of `data` to the value 'Zaphod'
setData('firstName', 'Zaphod');
// `data` is now `{ firstName: 'Zaphod' }`

// Updates the property `firstName` of `data` by making it upper case
setData('firstName', (firstName) => firstName.toUpperCase());
// `data` is now `{ firstName: 'ZAPHOD' }`

// Replaces the whole value of `data` with the provided object
setData({ firstName: 'Zaphod' });
// `data is now `{ firstName: 'Zaphod' }`

// Updates the `data` store by adding the property `lastName` with the value
// 'Beeblebrox'
setData(($data) => ({ ...$data, lastName: 'Beeblebrox' }));
// `data` is now `{ firstName: 'Zaphod', lastName: 'Beeblebrox' }`

Fields Setter (setFields)

This is, basically, a special version of setData that also updates the value in your HTML inputs. You can also automatically touch elements by calling either version of the setter that accepts a string path as first argument with a boolean as a third argument. true if you want to touch the field, false if you do not want this behaviour (default: false). Examples of this would be:

Primitive Setters (setIsDirty, setIsSubmitting and setInteracted)

The stores isDirty and isSubmitting do not store an object but a boolean; and interacted stores either a string or null. Their setters can only be called in two different ways:

Using setIsDirty as an example:


A function that forces Felte to validate all inputs, touches all of them and updates the errors store. It has no arguments.


A function that resets all inputs and the data store to its original values. It has no arguments.


A function that completely removes a field from the data, errors, warnings and touched stores. It accepts the path of the field as a first argument as a string.



A function that resets a specific field to its initial value. It accepts the path of the field as a first argument.



A function specifically to be used when dealing with arrays of fields. It adds the value provided as second argument to the end of the array in the path provided on the first argument. It accepts an index as a third argument to specify where specifically the field should be added.

NOTE: field arrays must be arrays of objects.

// Assuming the property 'todos' contains an of fields

// Adds an empty string to the end of the array in `todos`
addField('todos', { value: '' });

// Adds an empty string to index 2 of the array (pushing the rest a position)
addField('todos', { value: '' }, 2);

addField updates the respective properties on touched, errors and warnings accordingly.


A function specifically to be used when dealing with arrays of fields. It swaps fields from a specific path using the provided indexes:

// Assuming the property 'todos' contains an of fields

// Swaps the fields of index 1 and 3
swapFields('todos', 1, 3);


A function specifically to be used when dealing with arrays of fields. It moves a field from a specific path from one index to another:

// Assuming the property 'todos' contains an of fields

// Moves the field at index 1 to index 3
moveField('todos', 1, 3);

It will move the other fields accordingly.


A helper function that sets the initialValues Felte handles internally. If called after initialization of the form, these values will be used when calling reset. It accepts an object with the same shape as your data as a first argument.


A function that creates a submit handler with overriden onSubmit, onError and/or validate functions. If nothing is passed as a first argument, or if any of the three accepted properties is undefined, it will use the values from the createForm configuration object as a default.

  const { form, createSubmitHandler } = createForm({
    onSubmit: (values) => console.log('Default onSubmit'),

  const altOnSubmit = createSubmitHandler({
    onSubmit: (values) => console.log('Alternative onSubmit'),
    validate: (values) => /* ... */,
    onError: (errors) => /* ... */,

<form use:form>
  <input type="email" name="email">
  <input type="password" name="password">
  <button type="submit">Call default submit handler</button>
  <button type="submit" on:click={altOnSubmit}>Call alternative submit handler</button>

NOTE: The returned submit handler can be used outside of the <form> tag or be called programatically.


Rather than being returned by createForm, this is a utility function exported directly from felte. It allows you to get derived values from a store using a selector function, or to obtain a specific property using a string path.

  import { createForm, getValue } from 'felte';

  const { form, data } = createForm({ /* ... */ });

  // The next two lines have the same outcome.
  $: console.log(getValue($data, 'email'));
  $: console.log(getValue($data, (d) =>;

<form use:form>
  <input name="email">

NOTE: TypeScript users, if using the string path version, must always use dot notation even if referring to arrays. E.g.